Sunday, March 23, 2003
Are You Dizzy From The Spin Yet?
According to a CNN-USA Today-Gallup Poll, 76% of Americans approve of the US going to war in Iraq. Where do they find these people to poll? Rush Limbaugh's Young Republican pancake breakfast? Halliburton? I believe what I can see. And I've seen over 300,000 protesters against the war in New York. Over 200,000 protesters in Chicago, over 200,000 in LA, over 200,000 in San Francisco, Over 100,000 in Atlanta, over 100,000 in Seattle. On Saturday, (yesterday) we probably had at least 2,000,000 protesters speaking out against the war. The largest protest rally I saw for the war was in Auburn, Ind, and they had 15,000. There are many more on both sides I'm sure I've left out, but the point is there seem to be many people against the war than for the war in the US.
Quote For Today
When I realize that there are only 3 colors, 10 digits, and 7 notes; I know I am capable of great things.~Unknown
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