Sunday, March 9, 2003
Old movies I've watched again lately that didn't stand the test of time. Ned Kelly. Still painful to watch, but it IS Mick as a young man. A Clockwork Orange. It helped to have the actual glossary that came with the book. I was so stoned when I saw it the first time in Daytona Beach, (or was it Fort Lauderdale?) that the surrounding experience glorified the whole movie for me. But, Malcolm MacDowell was rushed to the head of coolness in one fell swoop. And would have stayed there until I happened to see him on Fantasy Island. And Crossroads. I fussed over it at one time, and now it's just corny to me.
Was I so fickle at 15? My wonderful daughter can seem like Linda Blair in the Exorcist one minute, and be all sweetness and light the next minute. Seriously. She can quickly change her mood and I'm left shaking my head. I seem to remember myself being consistently bitchy or consistently aloof. But she can go from zero to bitch in under 6 seconds. I'm still too stunned to talk to her about it. I don't know if an embrace or a duck 'n' cover is in order. But I still tell her every single night, "I love you just the way you are", even if it does conjur up a pukefest in her mind.
I want some great satirist to speak for our country. But, it won't be Bill Maher. Although he's come closer than most, there's just no heart, or passion there. After watching Mort Sahl, Lenny Bruce, Richard Pryor, and George Carlin, the bar is still up there pretty high. I expect a great deal out of my political satirists.
Jimmy Carter can't NOT speak his heart on the upcoming war. This should be required reading for everyone.
MoDo's 'Xanax Cowboy' column agrees with my Bush speech assessment of him calling forth the 'Thorazine Salute'.
A company tied to Vice President Dick Cheney has won a Pentagon contract for advice on rebuilding Iraq's oil fields after a possible war.
Coming soon to a theater near you.
Rent my chest?
I have always dreamed
Of a home filled with children:
An instant sweatshop
[via: haikooties]
Birthdays - March 9
John Cale - (Velvet Underground - 1942)
Robin Trower - 1945
Quote For Today
I will permit NO MAN to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him.
~Booker T. Washington
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