Saturday, March 22, 2003
I like how Theo explains it. His heart aches; and when he opens his mouth to speak, nothing comes out. My heart aches, too. I'm also have trouble expressing myself. And I'm saddened, ashamed, and anxious but not poisoned by rage and hate. It's interesting to see people express their disgust with this war in so many different ways.
The US tv news is so fucked up and one-sided, {except for the BBC news,} so to get the bigger picture, I must find other news online. Going outside the US for news I find less of an agenda and can extrapolate a few golden nuggets to form my own conclusions. If my mind is saturated with US news, I want to read Arab, Australia and UK news.
War Info
»Is the Baghdad Blogger (Raed) for real? Signs point to yes.
»BBC reporters blogging live from Iraq.
»The war on the web. List of sites for updates on the war.
»I saw CNN corespondent, Kevin Sites, on CNN twice this morning. He has been asked to suspend his blogging from Iraq.
Need a diploma? Go make one.
Gulf War Drinking Game.
And a TV War coverage Drinking Game.
Looking for a peace symbol gif? This is one place to visit.
How about a new Saddam t-shirt?
Astrology is lame; see what the Starbucks Oracle predicts for you.
Where you can read and share annonymous work stories.
Quote For Today
You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you.
~ Sarah Ban Breathnach
old, tattered long skirt/ black t-shirt/
tights/scruffy black ballet slippers/black shawl/
ponytai braid/no bra/sadness/prayerful/
turned off tv/listening to radio/
oj/coffee/marlboro lights/danish-2 so far/
hows about you?/
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