Tuesday, March 11, 2003
»How great that Afghanistan got internet access Monday. Soon they'll have spam and porn just like the rest of us.
»Is it safe to wear 'Celine' and other colognes?
"Is that Canadian Bacon No. 5?" "Oui," I reply, as a gleaming-eyed young broker rises to give me his seat. "Please sit down," he implores. "You smell so good, like a warm fireplace or a new baby. No, even better--you smell like a new baby in a warm fireplace."
»New cigarettes called Quest, is now available. They come in low nicotine, extra-low nicotine and nicotine-free packs, and could help you quit smoking. They're available in most states and soon should be nationwide and beyond. But, they aren't in my state of North Carolina yet. Couldn't have anything to do with us leading the country in tobacco farming, could it?
»How did this Bush parody site slip by me? I thought I'd seen them all.
»Which Six Feet Under Character Are You?
»WTF is a Vinnie and why does he care more about menstruation that I do? (let's be on the safe side and say, "NOT safe for work".)
»I was looking at Vietnam era posters online and ran across some I'd forgotten about. There's: "Would you buy a used war from this man?" A poster for a rally with Nixon pictured. "Make Love, Not War." "What If They Gave A War And Nobody Came?" If we go to war, will there be new slogans and posters printed up? I wonder if there'll be a flurry of protest songs and sit-ins and if the draft will be implemented. Will there be conscientious objectors, and people burning draft cards? Some may argue that the demonstrations and songs and teach-ins and love-ins and riots and concerts and speeches and posters did not alter the course of American foreign policy before. I know better.
Quote For Today
Some people believe that holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go. ~Anon
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