Saturday Morning Me STORY
Saturday, August 15, 2009
I had a feature on Easy Bake Coven that I began in March 2003 called Saturday Morning Me.
I posted a few lines about my surroundings one Saturday and then people started joining in commenting on their Saturday morning and we had a lot of fun reading about each others stories the next five years or so.
As it grew we decided it didn't have to be morning and it didn't have to be Saturday. But we tried to keep it to the weekend and any peak into the weekend would be welcomed.
There are 179+ posts in this category which I was able to import to this site from EBC, but sadly, without the comments. Anyway, below is a homage to the Saturday Morning Me's and I open it up again for your comments! Type it here in the comments or on your own website and leave us a comment.
saturday morning me//
#1 freshly ground hazelnut coffee/
#0 cigarettes, go me!/
oj/early morning splifferoo/
deskfan humming/3 candles flickering/
white gauzy embroidered dress billowing/
bare feet/bare face/bare teats/
but slamming hair today/
listening: Fever Ray, again/
so how about you?/
Quote For Today
When I woke up this morning my girlfriend asked me, 'Did you sleep well?' I said, 'No, I made a few mistakes.'
~Steven Wright
Unfair. Unbalanced. Unmedicated.
My Saturday wasn't nearly as flowy as yours. Torturous walk up the mountain, tangled hair in a ponytail, almost stepped on a vinegaroon (crazy scorpion like bug), fed the ravenous hounds, waited for the husband to come home from work.
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