My dear husband is in the hospital
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
concerning some extreme back pain he'd been having. He's one of those men who won't go to the doctor until he's totally fouled up in a major way. Why are so many men like this?
The back pain led to numbness in his legs this past week and then finally paralysis in his lower body about 5 or 6 days ago. He let it go this far before going to see about it.
He went into the hospital Monday. After going thru some testing they said that he has either an infection or a tumor between two vertebras so he's scheduled for surgery tomorrow afternoon. He's lost 50 lbs this year. (He's 5 years older than me.)
I'm angry at him for letting it go this long and everyone has been on him to do something about it. I'm also scared because he looks so frail and small in that hospital bed.
He's in one the best hospitals in the country and it has all the specialists you could ever hope to need so I feel good about that anyway.
Just waiting to see how the surgery goes tomorrow afternoon and hope that he can gain use of his legs again soon.
If you offer up prayers, please send one up for him. Thanks for listening. xoxo
Oh jesus, how terrible!! I'm so sorry to hear this!
I wish men weren't like this but they are.
I will be praying with all my might.
I wish I could hold your hand! xoxo
Yikes! Hoping with all hope that your husband's situation improves quickly!
Its not just men who don't like to face medical problems... Recently a female member of my family wound up in critical condition, because they wouldn't see a doctor...
sending love and prayers
stupid men
they are worse than children
Oh Sude...I'm so sorry. He's in my thoughts. Men! Why must they always be so hardheaded.
I'm hugging you right now!
Can you feel it?
You guys are so beautiful. Words are very powerful and healing. Thank you. Steve got out of surgery and recovery a few hours ago and is still in some pain.
He had 2 steel implants put into his back to take the place of 2 discs that they removed. I have a meeting with the doctor tomorrow afternoon and will know more about his recovery and rehabilitation.
Much love, dear ones. xoxo
How is Steve?
Thanks for asking, sweet Jill. Steve is doped up and feeling pretty fine! Ha! He's on 3 kinds of pain meds. Yesterday he sat up for the first time and today he's supposed to try amd stand for the first time, if possible. And, yay! his feeling is returning to his legs!
Baby steps for him, but good results. I'm off to see him now.
That's wonderful!
thank god, xoxo
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