Saturday, February 15, 2003
Over 10 million people worldwide in 603 cities are expected to rally this weekend against a war on Iraq. Huge rallies all over---London, Tokyo, Sydney, and in New York, near the UN at noon today. It seems like it'll be the largest turnout yet against going to war in Iraq. Over 500,000 people expected in London's Hyde Park today. {this bbc news site is full of updated worldwide protest info, msnbc also has a good link.}
Blogging Around
A fine cartoonist in the liberal vein, with great cartoons, content, and links is Alas, A Blog. And, Kevin at InContemptComics, also takes the anti-war view in his drawings. Excellent work. Jeff has nice peace-ful links posted today. Buy an inexpensive peace pin. {via:kaneblues}
Vote To Impeach Bush, seen at Different Strings.
And a vast paranoia sweeps across the land
And America turns the attack on its Twin Towers
Into the beginning of the Third World War
The war with the Third World
And the terrorists in Washington
Are drafting all the young men
And no one speaks
And they are rousting out
All the ones with turbans
And they are flushing out
All the strange immigrants
And they are shipping all the young men
To the killing fields again
And no one speaks
And when they come to round up
All the great writers and poets and painters
The National Endowment of the Arts of Complacency
Will not speak
While all the young men
Will be killing all the young men
In the killing fields again
So now is the time for you to speak
All you lovers of liberty
All you lovers of the pursuit of happiness
All you lovers and sleepers
Deep in your private dreams
Now is the time for you to speak
O silent majority
Before they come for you
~ Lawrence Ferlinghetti
[via: sfgate, from ruminate this]
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