Wednesday, February 26, 2003
»"I don't know how it ended, but when I fell asleep it was Nora Jones 48, Oakland 21." says Dave Barry.
»Musician Erykah Badu born on this day in 1971.
»Saw a great little movie on Sundance last night called, "Straight To Hell", by Alex Cox. [If David Lynch had directed THE WILD BUNCH] With Dennis Hopper, Courtney Love, and Joe Strummer. It was made in 1987.
»My public radio station played many George Harrison songs last night because of his 60th birthday.
»Virtual March On Washington
So, what time are YOU scheduled to call your Senator, and the White House? I'm scheduled to call Senator John Edwards at 1:26 pm, Senator Elizabeth Doyle at 1:31pm and the White House at 1:36. If you see this in time, go to the website and sign up to make a call to your Senators and the White House and help be a powerful reminder of the breadth and depth of opposition to a war in Iraq.
»Quote For Today
"Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind... War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today."
~John F. Kennedy
I'm just working here until a good fast-food job opens up.
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