Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico could be worse than the Exxon Valdez Disaster
Friday, April 30, 2010
Obama's plan to open up both coasts to oil drilling, in order to cater to republican oil lobbyists in the interests of bipartisan corporatism, looks pretty dumb in the light of this.
Spill Baby Spill!
The Independent
Addendum: "Every asshole who ever chanted 'Drill baby drill' should have to report to the Gulf coast today for cleanup duty." - Bill Maher
Addendum 2: BP is now dumping a chemical mixture called Corexit on a massive scale into the Gulf of Mexico. Info Instead of having safeguards in place in case something like this might happen, they instead had a massive batch of toxic chemicals waiting around to be dumped on top of a potential oil spill so as to hide the problem after the fact. In a just world some people at BP would be facing trial with stiff prison sentences right now. Exxon still hasn't even paid 1 billion dollars for the Valdez Spill.
On the drive to El Paso on Interstate 10, there is a massive wind farm. It is incredibly cool and a little bit creepy for some reason.
I can remember being a little girl playing in the Gulf of Mexico (Galveston) and coming out of the water with huge globs of tar all over me.
Now THAT is creepy, Jill. I take it that the tar was actually oil. And since you were a little girl, did it scare you at all? Or was it something that just happened frequently and you somehow learned to accept it?
Wow, that is disturbing. You're lucky too, in the documentary called Crude it showed these kids swimming and getting oil all over them in Ecuador and a lot of them became really sick. Sadly I'm sure its actually quite common in a lot of countries.
Unfortunately it happened frequently and it was all I ever knew. My Mother would bring old rags to get it off of my legs at the end of the day. They say...whoever "they" is...that that is the reason the sand is dark brown in Galveston. Not sure if that's true...I'm horrified at what may happen to the beautiful white sands in the Destin area of Florida.
Apparently it was pretty common back then. My aunt was just telling me the same thing about her childhood in England. They would go to the beach and there would be oil everywhere and they just thought nothing of it like it was normal.
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