Massive Oil Rig Explosion in the Gulf of Mexico, Shortly after Obama opened up Both Coasts for Oil Drilling.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Sorry Obama, you`ve done a lot of good, but you have to stop sucking up to Republicans. When will you get it? The healthcare bill should have been the first clue. No matter how much you bend over backwards catering to their mythology of bipartisanship, they`re never going to give you anything in return. Some lauded your recent move to open up oil drilling as some sort of brilliant gambit, but what are you expecting to gain by catering to right wing mythology? They were never going to vote for you in the first place. Let this recent oil rig explosion and the coal explosion in west virginia, be a clue. Your energy policy so far is playing with fire.
Oil Explosion With Video:
Obama Opens up Previously Off Limit Areas to Drilling
Link 2
Isn't this awful. I want to quote the newspaper about all of the possible oil spillage that might occur...but my feeble morning brain can't remember the number of barrels.
Its just brutal. I saw a documentary last night called Crude
It was about the lawsuit, between the people of Ecuador and Chevron/Texaco, which had left far more oil spilled in the amazon and surrounding region than in the Exxon Valdez spill, which gets all the attention, because it happened in the States.
The sad thing is there isn't much sea life left to kill in the Gulf of Mexico, due to massive algal blooms, caused by the high nitrogen content of agricultural runoff. The algal blooms choke out life over a massive region.
Sigh. Happy Earth Day...
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