157 Million Women
Monday, April 5, 2010
In shifting the unbalance of a left brain male dominated culture, to a male-female right- left playful flow of energetic balance. The feng shui ing dance to correct the balance of the nation is a symbolic dance of all the women of the nation dancing joyfully, blissfully, ecstatically, hilariously around and around and around the male dominated masonic iconic phallic power symbol of male dominated nation, The George Washington Monument.
When all the nations women and all the nations men dance symbolically as one, the nation will shift into a state of perfected balance and perfected health. Integrating the ultimate health of oneself with the ultimate health of the nation...and ultimate health of family and ultimate health of community.
157MillionWomen.com May 1st 2010 ...an act of dancing around and around and around the George Washington Monument...whole heartedly in celebration in balancing the left and right hemispheres of the national psyche. An actual event, a virtual event, an intuitive event...an event to facilitate the integration of the heart of reality and the heart of oneself.
Apathy, my name is Susan. Yawn. Another march for yet another down-trodden group but the "hilariously dancing around the phallic" part is pure gold.
I'm not knocking the effort, just seems that marches and rallies are way overdone now and pretty much seem diluted now.
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