Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico could be worse than the Exxon Valdez Disaster

Friday, April 30, 2010

Obama's plan to open up both coasts to oil drilling, in order to cater to republican oil lobbyists in the interests of bipartisan corporatism, looks pretty dumb in the light of this.

Spill Baby Spill!
The Independent

Addendum: "Every asshole who ever chanted 'Drill baby drill' should have to report to the Gulf coast today for cleanup duty." - Bill Maher

Addendum 2: BP is now dumping a chemical mixture called Corexit on a massive scale into the Gulf of Mexico. Info Instead of having safeguards in place in case something like this might happen, they instead had a massive batch of toxic chemicals waiting around to be dumped on top of a potential oil spill so as to hide the problem after the fact. In a just world some people at BP would be facing trial with stiff prison sentences right now. Exxon still hasn't even paid 1 billion dollars for the Valdez Spill.


The Great Whitewashed North

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The conservative government of Canada have tried to use every trick in the book to cover up their knowingly handing over Afghan prisoners to be tortured. Their tactics have included outright denial, stall tactics, smearing the messenger, 'pro-roguing' (postponing parliament for a certain amount of time so as to draw away attention from the scandal) and finally when required to show the papers about the torture, the government simply showed up with pages of blanked out text. Their claimed reason for this is that, "to show the public the contents of the text would be to pose a threat to national security."

Sorry conservatives the country just doesn't buy that covering up torture is in the best interests of national security. Your government is a disgrace to our nation. Your frantic attempts to cover up, what even you realise now was a major error/crime, and which makes you nauseous/unable to sleep at night, is simply too transparent. You may have managed to get just over a third of the voting population to vote for you, which you ludicrously called a mandate, but as they say you can't fool all the people all the time. The speaker is now demanding by law that you turn over the uncensored information on torture. There is nowhere left for the Harper government to run, but to face the cruel and painful facts about its complicity in torture.

Recently I saw a great documentary about another epic disgrace to Canada, which took place under the previous Conservative government under Brian Mulroney. The documentary was called Kanehsatakeh 270 Years of Resistance. I can't remember being more ashamed of Canada. The Canadian military bayonetted a 14 year old Mohawk girl who was leaving a siege and protecting a 4 year old. The Mohawks and other indigenous peoples were defending the burial graves of their ancestors from being turned into a giant golf course and that's just one of the horrors comitted on Canadian citizens defending their homeland shown in the film. The finale of the film shows one of the most shameful events in Canadian history with Canadian soldiers beating the living daylights out of the natives (men, women and children) who were leaving peacefully from being under siege for 78 days by the Canadian military, complete with heavily armored vehicals, barbed wire and helicopters. The military's orders from their MP in the final stage of the siege was that if they move it was 'shoot to kill.'

Every Canadian should watch this documentary and do some deep soul searching. This is Canada's Kent State. Every part of the Canadian mythology of a peaceloving, free and democratic country is annhilated by the film's footage of the events that took place.

The documentary can be watched online for free:


David LaChapelle Expo

Monday, April 26, 2010

"Already having achieved huge accomplishments within the fashion industry, LaChapelle's idiosyncratic decadence as a photographer is now transferred on to large scale art pieces. The interest surrounding LaChapelle’s art work has surmounted to a state of media frenzy, which is only highlighted by the record breaking attendance numbers at his most recent exhibitions..." link

LaChapelle Studio | Interview

LaChapelle fans can also click on the David LaChapelle category link below this post for more on his crazy fabulous work. All of the old Easy Bake Coven posts from 2002 until 2009 have also been transported here.



Rebetiko is a style of music in Greece, which incorporates many diverse elements and influences, into a relaxing and enjoyable blend, best experienced with the heightened assistance of cannabis and/or hasheesh. Its musical influences include a potent combination of greek folk, blues, turkish, gypsy, shepardi jewish, balkans, middle eastern, Indian, cannabis/opium infused tunes and often more than the occasional shot of ouzo or raki.

Of no surprise the music comes with a fascinating, interesting and at times tragic history. The music's influences reach back far into time, but in the 19th century the hard lifestyle of the greek farmers and their folk music, lent a good background for what would be a musical explosion in the urban Athens of the early 20th century. Such simple, but inspiring music with a touch of soulful left leaning social/political protest, as well as the music's associations with free living, foreigners, the mangas underground counterculture, the impoverished and seedy areas of Athens was just too much for Greece's uptight conservatives during the late 1930s. The fear of a potentially subversive and 'culturally degrading,' form of music, made itself felt to the country's right wing dictator at the time, Ioannis Metaxes. He sought to stamp out, and censor the genre. Then during world war 2 recordings were frozen by the fascist occupation of Greece.

The classic era and the height of Rebetiko during the 20s and 30s can be traced back to the tragedy of the Greco-Turkish war shortly after world war 1, when Greece taking advantage of the collapse of the Ottoman empire sought to regain ancient Greek territories that had long been incorporated into the empire. At the center of this conflict was the city of Smyrna, present day Izmir, located on the west coast of Turkey. Smyrna was a lively major port with a large ethnically Greek population, a gateway between east and west, falling within the borders of the diverse Ottoman empire. To Greek nationalists at the time reclaiming Smyrna was a raison d'etre in itself for war. To the inhabitants of Smyrna, many if not most had integrated centuries ago as Ottoman citizens and this and the land was a major source of their identity. Their identity had incorporated a myriad of influences flowing through Smyrna's port and outward along the caravan roads.

The war for Smyrna was a disaster. The city was almost completely devasted and the invasion of, to them the somewhat strange and foreign mainland Greeks, failed miserably. The result of the war was a mass expulsion of all Muslims in Greece to Turkey and all Christians in Turkey to Greece. Families were split apart, never to see each other again. Many would never see again their homeland, which they left behind only to lament it in music and song.

In Athens this massive diaspora, especially from Smyrna with all its influences led to the musical explosion known as Rebetiko. Although the nationalist dream had in mind uniting Greeks and their long lost compatriots, the new population was often looked down upon with contempt, seen as strange and as a threat by mainlanders. Lost in the urban maze of Athens with few jobs in site, many took to their one remaining muse and link to their heritage, their music. They also brought back with them a favorite plant, which had long permeated the near east: cannabis. In the hasheesh and opium dens, brothels and tavernas of 1920s and early 30s Athens, people lamenting the loss of their homelands, loved ones, and marooned in a foreign land, led to a new style of music being born. In a haze of smoke, and perhaps a few too many drinks, a person would start muttering about their losses or some other part of their lives, or something they found humorous. Others picking up on it would strum their instruments until the room would become alive with people dancing, swaying, laughing, having a good time and mourning. Through all their losses the spirit of the people stood out strong in their music.

One of the greatest figures in Rebetiko music was a woman by the name of Roza Eskenazy (pictured above), a Shephardi jew born in Istanbul, she grew up mostly in the once major Ottoman city of Salonike (Thessaloniki). She absorbed numerous influences around her and was inspired to become a dancer and a musician. At the age of 20 she moved to Piraos, the seedy port town of Athens. There she danced in cabarets and moved to folk and rebetiko. Becoming a symbol of the genre, she created over 500 songs in the 30s alone. In Greece in the late 30s however she became one of the main targets of the Metaxes regime's censorship especially for her song "When You take Heroin," which the regime tried to make an example out of. During the second world war she helped shelter and provide for Jews in Athens who were fleeing certain death in Thessaloniki. After the war and when censorship started to wear off, her career took off once again. As before the war, when it was over she travelled throughout the world playing her music.

During the 50s and 60s Rebetiko took off once again in Greece having a major revival, and although the genre has ebbed and flowed, it continues well into the present day. Of course, the music, instruments, people and stories have changed, but the spirit is alive and well and the music continues to inspire and to be enjoyed.

Classic: Delias, Roza, Tasaous, Delias, Roza, Vamvakaris, Roza, Vamvakaris, Delias, Katsaros, Batis, Sample, Delias, "When the Hookah Fumes."
Modern: Gavalas, Sample, Sample, Sample,

Sample Lyrics:

Has it Ever Happened to You?
by Yorgos Batis (1935)

Last night in the dark, two secret policemen cornered me to search and take my hashish...
I fooled them...
They got mad and lay in wait for me
the next night and caught me...
Next morning I was up before the chief...
and so, mangha they'll try me and
the police will get some peace.

Spanish Zeibekiko (1934) Batis

I slipped away in a boat and went to Drako's cave
I saw three men stoned, lying on the beach
It was Batis, Arteis and Stratos, the lazybones.
Strato, fix us a narghile so Batis can smoke...
and Artemis...
he'll bring us hashish from Istanbul...
Toubeki from Persia...

Our Manghes are complaining (1936)

Our Manghes are complaining, as well as the aristocrats,
that no one brings them hashish from Istanbul.
Come here, mangha and smoke from our narghile, we
have Istanbul hashish in our den.
You'll hear tsaous play the bouzouki...
Beautiful girls will ready the narghile and keep watch..
Rich men, industrialists they'll all hear sweet notes...
all the spoilt brats will sit in the den
to listen to the bouzouki and get high...
For soon, in this life, even if everything is lost, there will always be hashish.

Merry Tramp (1930) Rosa Eskanzy

I'm a merry tramp, I stay out all night
at the cabarets of Athens and have a good time.
I get drunk on ouzo, smash all the glasses and dance the "tsifteli"...
dawn finds me in the hashish dens
where the dervishes play the lyre the outi and the baglamas

Junkies' Melody (1946)

Why do you ask me to know
when fires are burning around the manghes are smoking narghile...
I'm waiting for my turn to smoke
while I'm whistling the junkies' melody

Once I too was a kid

Once I too was a kid and a sweet flirt broke my heart. When I took her out, everyone would look at me, but she went off with another...
the pain has clouded my mind; my soul is in anguish,
Since then I've not wanted another I smoke a little hashish on the

Camel Driver's Zeibetkiko (1934)

I see four friends all from Piraeus, smoking hashish
they took me with them to their hangout...
I see two people high on hashish sitting on the mat
One is playing bouzouki the other has a pipe...
they let me smoke as much as I like and play my baglamas.

When I came back from Pylos (1935)

When I came back from Pylos, I looked for a friend.
I went into the garden where I heard a baglamas being played.
I saw five young men lying on the grass
I looked them over to see
if I recognised them...
an old manghas asked me what I wanted "Company"
I replied, but where can I find it?" "Sit down with us..." He said.

The baglamas (1928)

In the upper districts, two dervishes are sitting and smoking joints...
it's the "loulas" and the "kalami"
that have reduced me to this sorry state...
the weed that a widow taught me to smoke
She turned me into a tramp... and an addict.

Drunk and Stoned (1936)

When I'm in a hashish-den and smoking all I want...
if I leave the den it's go to the tavern
for two glasses of the new wine...

When I smoke Toubekaki (1933) Vamvakaris

When I smoke toubekaki I smoke a pipe,
then I take the bouzouki and the manghes get high...

My Painted boat (1934)

My painted boat full to the gunwhales with manges...
dervishes and beautiful hashish... a narghile to smoke it with...
and a baglamas and bouzouki to put them in the mood...
Manghes with your... narghile playing and getting high on the
deck... another sitting over there to keep watch.

In Marigo's hashish den (1936)

In Marigo's hashish den... a secret policeman caught me
when I was high... I pulled a knife and cut his arm.

"The "loulas" strengthens me (1933)

Sometimes the "loulas" strengthens me, sometimes it weakens me,
other times it brings me down so that I can't talk to anyone.
My mind my thoughts wander here and there
and I feel death approaching...
I'll never be able to forget in this world, I'll never find peace...


Werner Herzog in 3D

Friday, April 23, 2010

"The film-maker has taken his 3D camera among the rocky fissures and 30,000-year-old cave artwork at Chauvet in France."
Article With Video Interview

So was Herzog sitting around watching Avatar and having an epiphany?, thinking something like, 'enough of this Hollywood Nick Cage Bad Cop crap, its time for a timeless journey into the dawn of humanity in 3D, Herzog style.' This is definitely something to look forward to.

P.S. the other day I was looking up some blues music on youtube and came across this wonderful song, which seemed a bit familiar, but I couldn't quite figure out where it was from... Then I recognized it from the fabulous chicken scene from the film Stroszek. A fun, and useless bit of trivia.


Massive Oil Rig Explosion in the Gulf of Mexico, Shortly after Obama opened up Both Coasts for Oil Drilling.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sorry Obama, you`ve done a lot of good, but you have to stop sucking up to Republicans. When will you get it? The healthcare bill should have been the first clue. No matter how much you bend over backwards catering to their mythology of bipartisanship, they`re never going to give you anything in return. Some lauded your recent move to open up oil drilling as some sort of brilliant gambit, but what are you expecting to gain by catering to right wing mythology? They were never going to vote for you in the first place. Let this recent oil rig explosion and the coal explosion in west virginia, be a clue. Your energy policy so far is playing with fire.

Oil Explosion With Video:
Obama Opens up Previously Off Limit Areas to Drilling
Link 2


F*ck The Earth Day

April 22nd is Earth Day but Old Coot Jack English has high hopes his new holiday sweeps the nation in a flash flood of plastic bags and edible rocks. Break.com Clip of the Day. {via}


NOT an Earth Day Celebration Video

I have mixed feelings about "Earth Day". When I 100% lived the hippie life, every day was Earth Day. I remember when the government declared an annual "Earth Day" and I thought it was ridiculous. That was like the fox showing us how to keep the henhouse tidy.

So now you see a big television network (NBC) owned by General Electric Corporation hawking "green" cleaning supplies and other plastic crap... arrghh... I knew I shouldn't get started but yeah, I liked this video so here it is and be true to who you are are the takeaways. If you're an uber, wasteful consumer, don't be all earthy green for just one day a year. For goddess sakes, be yourself even if it is a greedy consumer and if you do live it as best as you can 365 days a year, my beret's off to you.

UPDATE: Even though we don't live our lives like it is Earth Day every day, I can't fault the original Earth Day because it did spawn many good things. After some research I learned about the fruits of Denis Hayes labor of love.

Denis Hayes was chief organizer of that landmark demonstration Earth Day in 1970 and current Chair of Earth Day 2010.

At 25 years old, he organized the passions of millions of Americans into a viable political force that brought about real change. Within a few years of Earth Day 1970, America saw the passage of the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency, and much, much more.


Street Theater to close SOA

Educate your community

This street theater action can be easily replicated. Military uniforms are being sold for as little as $10 per outfit at military surplus stores and at thrift stores near military bases across the country. What else do you need? Cardboard-cut-out-guns, white T-Shirts, red paint, possibly a banner and a bunch of fliers to hand out to passerby's.

Here is a general tri-fold flyer about the SOA and the campaign to shut it down that you could use to make copies:
Frontpage: http://soaw.org/docs/outside2010.pdf
Backpage: http://soaw.org/docs/inside2010.pdf

Human rights activists staged a street theater action and passed out fliers in front of the Capitol South metro station in Washington, DC to remind hundreds of congressional staffers who passed by, that the decisions that they are making on Capitol Hill are causing death and suffering in Latin America.


I used to rage against the SOA all the time and while I hope to call more attention to it, I also poke the carcass of this killing machine just to keep fired up.


Did Pink Floyd copy 'Lady Magnolia' for Darkside of the Moon?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Awhile back I heard a song by Piero Umiliani on the radio, which I kind of liked, so I looked up his music on youtube and one of the songs I came accross was Lady Magnolia. I couldn't help, but notice the striking similarity of the song to Any Colour You'd Like as well as in songs like Breathe off Dark Side of the Moon. The Lady Magnolia theme actually pretty much permeates the baseline of the entire album.

What do you think? Did Pink Floyd copy Lady Magnolia for Darkside of the Moon? Did they hear the song stoned one day and not being able to get it of their heads, did it come out during a jam session, all slowed down and spacy to make one of the greatest psychedelic albums ever?


The Haunting Art of Zdzislaw Beksinski

Sunday, April 18, 2010



Testing Comments... Again!

Friday, April 16, 2010



Cannabis Legend Departs.

Jack Herer showed the world how silly the emperor's policy on cannabis really was. He paved the way for a movement whose time has come to see its ancient dream become a reality once again.

The current emperor has smoked and isn't afraid to admit it. Perhaps like Canada's Jean Chretien he might be so kind to at least leave a going away present and legalize sanity in our lifetime.



Voluntary Peasants

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Voluntary Peasants is a fun, hip, magical, mystical adventure, a Zen romp, full of humor, warmth and spiritual survival wisdom.

--published by Hot Button Press is scheduled for release this summer.

High Times calls Stephen Gaskin "the Gandhi of the American counterculture."

Stephen said:

This country needs in great numbers to become voluntary peasants. Being enlightened is a lot like being a grownup and taking responsibility.

Telepathy is evidence that we are all connected. We can get telepathic with each other, and we can get telepathic with God, with birds, trees, grass.

We can send energy to people who need energy by thinking loving thoughts about them.

By now, everyone knows how to get high, but if you want to stay high, you need moral structure.

Government does not have the right to dictate levels of consciousness.

The Farm began in 1971 as more than a commune, but as a dream-come-true adventure and all-out, put-your-butt-on-the-line, social experiment, political statement and attempt to create a gracious lifestyle the whole world can afford. Everyone worked to manifest a way of living that feels right, in touch with the earth, healthy, productive, fun and good for children. We built our own village, complete with school, clinic, doctors, midwives, lab, soy dairy, bakery, radio station, houses, roads, green, cutting edge, alternative energy, cottage industries, motor pool, laundry, canning and freezing operation, rock, boogey and reggae bands. We used horses, tractors and computers.

For thirteen years, I lived and worked at The Farm as a carpenter, farmer, chef, baker, gateman, news editor and mechanic. Like the rest of The Farm adult community, I considered Stephen Gaskin my spiritual teacher, my guru. We were all Stephen's students.

Stephen told us, “I’m trying to teach you to not need me.” It took me awhile.
--Melvyn Stiriss

Read More »



Automatic Speleology and Electric Sheep

Monday, April 12, 2010

Two different, but also similar fascinating experiments based on algorithms.

Automatic speleology is an almost psychedelic and at the same time somewhat disturbing meditation concept, based on the fragmented modern human generated world we inhabit.

Electric Sheep is a fascinating fractal screensaver, which morphs over time based on algorithms and fractals generated from all over the world. It provides us a view into a realm of binary based fractal collective unconciousness, as it dreams in the time we are away from the computer.

Electric Sheep has been such a successful experiment, constantly evolving, that it leads to the question, how long will it be when the psychedelic experience will be fully replicated in virtual reality?

Automatic Speleology
Electric Sheep


Supreme Court refuses to take up reparations case by Bikini and Enewetak islanders, over the destruction of their homelands.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Between 1946 and 1958, twenty-three nuclear weapons were detonated at Bikini Atoll. The March 1st, 1954 detonation codenamed Castle Bravo, was the first test of a hydrogen bomb. It was the largest nuclear explosion ever set off by the United States, leaving widespread radioactive contamination over the area and beyond. The Castle Bravo explosion was the equivalent of 1000 Hiroshimas.

Now just over 60 years since the last atomic explosion devasted their ancient homeland, the islanders of Enewetak and Bikini Atoll are asking for humble reparations from the government which caused the destruction of an incalculable source of their collective souls, and the land of their ancestors. The decision by the Supreme Court to deny them the simple right to a fair hearing, of their overwhelmingly legitimate grievances is a disgrace to anything claiming itself to be a "justice system."

The sardonic film about the nuclear psychosis, "The Atomic Cafe," perhaps best shows from archival footage, the insanity, coldness, cynicality and senselesnesss shown and acted towards the people of the islands by the US government and military. At a time now when the media is continuuously harping about the dangers posed by nations of different ethnicity, which have no nuclear weapons, perhaps its time that we face up to our own collective guilt, over the brutal legacy of nuclear terrorism our governments have left to the peoples of the world and their descendents.



Detox Monastery in Thailand.

Friday, April 9, 2010

"The Thamkrabok monastery in Saraburi, Thailand, runs a detox program where both Thais and foreigners alike experience a Buddhist approach to drug rehabilitation. For the first five days addicts take an herbal medicine that facilitates a rapid detoxification, causing immediate vomiting. Addicts are expected to stay at least a week at the monastery after they make their vow, but are welcome to reside at the monastery for weeks until they feel mentally and physically cleansed."

Link: (With Picture Gallery)


Imperfect Birds by Anne Lamott

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Rosie Ferguson is seventeen and ready to enjoy the summer before her senior year of high school. She's intelligent-she aced AP physics; athletic-a former state-ranked tennis doubles champion; and beautiful. She is, in short, everything her mother, Elizabeth, hoped she could be. The family's move to Landsdale, with stepfather James in tow, hadn't been as bumpy as Elizabeth feared.

But as the school year draws to a close, there are disturbing signs that the life Rosie claims to be leading is a sham, and that Elizabeth's hopes for her daughter to remain immune from the pull of the darker impulses of drugs and alcohol are dashed. Slowly and against their will, Elizabeth and James are forced to confront the fact that Rosie has been lying to them-and that her deceptions will have profound consequences.

This is Anne Lamott's most honest and heartrending novel yet, exploring our human quest for connection and salvation as it reveals the traps that can befall all of us.

About the Author
Anne Lamott is the author of the New York Times bestsellers Grace (Eventually), Plan B, Traveling Mercies, and Operating Instructions, as well as seven novels, including Rosie and Crooked Little Heart. She is a past recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship.

Going to order this today.

Time Magazine's Book Review | Order Book


Evo Morales puts the Coca back in Cola

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bolivian President Morales chews Coca leaves in the United Nations. Photo From MercoPress/treehugger

"The Andean nation’s indigenous people have long resented the U.S. beverage company for usurping the name of their sacred coca leaf. Now, they are aiming to take back their heritage. Recently, the government of Evo Morales announced that it would support a plan to produce a coca-based soft drink which would rival its fizzy American counterpart."

This is brilliant marketing on so many different levels. Coca-Cola has for years been a symbol of America brand capitalism. During the Cold War, the brand's image was used as a symbol of liberty and freedom, but to others, it has been a symbol of exploitation, oppression, and cheap manufactured junk, as opium for the masses. Morales is not only making a mockery of this, but he is at the same time demonstrating the North American hypocrisy on drug policy, as well as it's skewed and racist attitudes towards different substances. Finally and most importantly though, this move is reaffirming and supporting indigenous peoples, their sovereignty, and their legitimate ancient traditions, which have been suppressed by American policy in Latin America.
- Lima

Full article at The Rag Blog.
More also at Telegraph.co.uk

P.S. Thank You Susan, for the honour of allowing me to contribute to your Outstanding Blog.


Incarnation by Mark Ryden

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Mark Ryden painting "Incarnation" time lapse. Gay 90's exhibition, Paul Kasmin gallery, New York, April 29, 2010. Music by Mark Ryden's favorite musician, Dustin O'Halloran.


Bill to Legalize Horse Meat Advances

Yesterday, the Missouri House approved legislation to allow the slaughter of horses for human consumption. The bill passed 91-61, and now heads to the Senate.

Wait a minute. I thought there was already a federal ban against horse meat. There is. Sort of. The law shut down horse slaughter houses in 2006 by pulling federal funding for meat inspectors. Without inspection, meat is illegal to sell.

It is still legal to export horses for slaughter, and currently 100,000 horses a year are shipped to Canada and Mexico.

Now THIS is something worth getting fired up over. Fucking obscene.

link - Go sign the petition right here.

Actual Bill at Missouri House of Representatives - Link


157 Million Women

Monday, April 5, 2010

In shifting the unbalance of a left brain male dominated culture, to a male-female right- left playful flow of energetic balance. The feng shui ing dance to correct the balance of the nation is a symbolic dance of all the women of the nation dancing joyfully, blissfully, ecstatically, hilariously around and around and around the male dominated masonic iconic phallic power symbol of male dominated nation, The George Washington Monument.

When all the nations women and all the nations men dance symbolically as one, the nation will shift into a state of perfected balance and perfected health. Integrating the ultimate health of oneself with the ultimate health of the nation...and ultimate health of family and ultimate health of community.

157MillionWomen.com May 1st 2010 ...an act of dancing around and around and around the George Washington Monument...whole heartedly in celebration in balancing the left and right hemispheres of the national psyche. An actual event, a virtual event, an intuitive event...an event to facilitate the integration of the heart of reality and the heart of oneself.

Apathy, my name is Susan. Yawn. Another march for yet another down-trodden group but the "hilariously dancing around the phallic" part is pure gold.

I'm not knocking the effort, just seems that marches and rallies are way overdone now and pretty much seem diluted now.



* The BROKEN HALLELUJAH name is taken from "Hallelujah", a song by Leonard Cohen.

* Easy Bake Coven , my previous website, ran from 2002 - 2009. It was time for a change so it will now be a mostly music-related website. All of our old EBC posts are stored there and here as well.

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