Personally Speaking...
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Occasionally I will speak from the heart. Below is an example of that and it may also answer a few questions some people may have had.
My husbands's best friend passed away yesterday. He was so broken up and it added to the hurt to see him this way. My husband is such a macho, man's man and to see him vulnerable is something I rarely witness.
We celebrated our 22nd anniversary on July 1st but sadly we live in different zip codes now.
My sister's death a few years ago from liver cancer left my Mother all alone. (She had moved back home when she became sick; my Dad passed in 1990.) Rather than shuffle Mother off to a nursing home, I left my job and my home and moved 60 miles away to stay with her and handle the household duties. It'll be easy peasy; I'd just travel back and forth and live in two houses. Not so easy.
Growing up my Mother and I had a tumultuous relationship- to put it mildly. Everyone knew how much we didn't like each other so it's such strange ironic poetic justice that has us two as the last remaining family members with me taking care of her now.
I suppose I'm feeling vulnerable this morning, too. Today I want to be near my husband. I may go spend the night with him tonight.
This must be very hard for you.
You are a good woman.
More than good. I hope you managed to spend the night with him. Love and blessings, xoxo
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