Tuesday, December 6, 2005
* John Lennon Day Dec 8 - 25th anniversary of his death.
* Captain Beefheart and his mother, an elf or a freak, and the plastic, horned devil.
* Tea Time and more to come soon from Lightning Is My Girl
* For a sleepy beach town known for having more white people with dreadlocks than any other place in the nation, Santa Cruz is a Mecca for the self-proclaimed ideological liberal. [More »]
* Students send chocolate vagina to douchebag Rush Limbaugh. [via]
* Happy Dreams Can Become Reality. So what are you all waiting for? Didn't you hear? You can make the choice, right now, this moment sitting in your chair reading this, to maximize your level of happiness for all time. And if it is my permission you are looking for, then yes, go for it!! Follow your bliss, be happy, and the universe will take care of you. Because that is what the universe wants more than anything else, for you to be truly and deeply happy for all eternity. [via]
Most definitely. We can choose to be miserable or choose to be happy. Totally up to you.
* Peace On Earth is a nice outdoor setup, if a wee bit chilly.
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