Friday, December 30, 2005
In the year 2006 I resolve to: |
"Welcome to Fucking, Austria."Pronounced "fooking," the little hamlet of Fucking is named after the man who founded the village in the 6th century. His name? Focko. The town sign has been stolen seven times in the last few months. With signs costing several hundred dollars apiece, much of the tiny town’s budget is being spent replacing the signs, says Siegfried Hoeppel, the Mayor of Fucking. He went on to express his hope that further thefts will be avoided through the use of increased concrete and . . . bigger screws.
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- "Who's my little douchebag of liberty???"
- "Fox News-where you go when your media/journalism career is in decline
(need we mention Bill O'Reilly and Geraldo Rivera?)"- "Novak to Fox? That's like shit crawling back up into an asshole."
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