Monday, December 8, 2003
Liberal Friendly & Unfriendly Places - See if your US city is listed. Asheville, NC, is listed with several references to it being a New Age Mecca. Sixty Minutes or someone did a story once proclaiming us as a best-kept secret/Gay-friendly, New Agey fru-fru kinda place. Which actually sums it up nicely.
Angels In America on HBO didn't disappoint. It was enormously entertaining. Part II is next Sunday. Did you notice who played the Rabbi at the funeral in the beginning? I didn't until they rolled the credits. Wow.
1947 - Gregg Allman's Birthday
1943 - Jim Morrison's Birthday
John Lennon died on this day, December 8, 1980. A beautiful memorial to John Lennon can be found in the "Strawberry Fields" section of Central Park, in the shadow of his home in the Dakota building. The original Strawberry Field(s) in actually in the Liverpool area.
{quote for today}
"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make..." (i think he wrote these words)
~John Lennon
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