Wednesday, December 10, 2003
So John Kerry unloaded the "f-bomb". If you've never uttered the f-word, raise your fucking hand. It's one of those ready-made moral issues that simply by blasting it, you feel superior by proxy. "Did I expect George Bush to f - - - it up as badly as he did?" Kerry said. How else can you succinctly describe it?
{The few. The proud. The fringe.}
Dear one actually slung the Christmas lights around the front of the house. Sweet child o' mine graciously straightened them out. Did I miss the memo that says you're supposed to put up your Christmas tree and decorations the day after Thanksgiving? You know how I feel about rules that "they" make. They. Who The Fuck is "They"? My Mother always said that. "They" say you're not supposed to wear white after Labor Day. But I digress. Years ago, Christmas decorations went up randomly around the neighborhood and seldom before the first week of December. Now, it's just a collective rush to get them up sooner each year. It's a conspiracy to perpetuate holiday stress.
{web woes}
My web host, Your-Site had problems yesterday. That's the 2nd ½ day of down time they've had in one year's time, so I think that's pretty damn good. ($5.00 a month) Isn't it? And at $7.95 a year to register the domain name, I'm satisfied.
Annika VonHoldt - artist extraordinaire
Make a Chinese symbol for your name
Habbo Hotel - check in a virtual hotel
Online painting - painting. online.
We don't see things as they are; we see things as we are. ~AnaÏs Nin
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