Saturday, December 13, 2003
{art} International Snow Sculpture Championships held in Breckinridge, CO, each Jan/Feb. Here's one of last year's winners carved from a 10 ton block of snow. More pictures from the past few years are featured. [via: reality carnival]
"Coalition forces generally tried to avoid killing Iraqis who weren’t taking part in combat. But the deaths of hundreds of civilians still could have been prevented by abandoning two misguided military tactics." Human Rights Watch said in a comprehensive new report released today.
Rise and shine; it's a beautiful day. My
Happy Birthday, Robin!
{create} Make a Snowman card - (It's set up like MrPicassohead.) [via: riri's] Or visit Ugly Christmas Lights site. [via: sixdifferentways]
{local} Asheville - The Next Hollywood?
Local Songwriter/Musician Malcolm Holcombe playing tonight at Westville Pub. Heard his new song on the radio yesterday.
saturday morning me//
half-smoked cigarette/half a cup of coffee/
half assed husband making cheese grits/
jeans/moccasins/football jersey/
fell outta bed with a nappy head/
sounds: chemical brothers -"get yourself high"/
so hows about you?/
I feel a sin coming on.
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