Monday, July 7, 2003
Hair-A-Pa-Looza. Skye called and asked my permission to let her friend's Mother cut/shave the back of her head. I said yes. But only a few inches. She's still visiting her friend, so I've not seen the results yet. On the bright side: Haircuts that suck still have time to grow out before school begins in the fall.
Musak In Hell I've got a little portable tv I took out to the sunroom with me, which only picks up a few channels. And was looking for something to watch as I breathed in the night mountain air, drank my delicious beverage, and watched the world go by. And without reading any further, you just know what was on the only channel that got the best reception. Freaking Law and Order. It's a mutant; it's morphed. It's everywhere. Make It. Stop. I imagine the elevator muzak in Hell will be that damn theme song.
Quote For Today
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
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