Sunday, April 27, 2003
Shirl features a "Peep Show" on her site. [Rated: G]
Webby Award Nominees
»Woody Harrelson's activist site, Voice Yourself, is worth a look.
»Repeat of the Visual Thesaurus. This link is the online version; there's also a desktop version that's would be great for writers.
»Nobody here. Just me. {Go to the interactive English version and just click around and watch the strangeness.}
Beck's online journal.
Malkovich is preparing lunch, carving thin slices off a huge piece of prosciutto that has its hairy hoof still attached. John Malkovich article today in NYTimes. Love him.
Mother invents 'orgasm machine'. "Called Vielle". The article says its a real timesaver. (Ok. I set 'em up; you can lob them outta the park. Anne?)
Some blogging buttons you may need. [via: LinkMachineGo]
Quote For Today
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truely endless. ~Mother Teresa
Insert pretentious blog quote here.
Webby Award Nominees
»Woody Harrelson's activist site, Voice Yourself, is worth a look.
»Repeat of the Visual Thesaurus. This link is the online version; there's also a desktop version that's would be great for writers.
»Nobody here. Just me. {Go to the interactive English version and just click around and watch the strangeness.}
Beck's online journal.
Malkovich is preparing lunch, carving thin slices off a huge piece of prosciutto that has its hairy hoof still attached. John Malkovich article today in NYTimes. Love him.
Mother invents 'orgasm machine'. "Called Vielle". The article says its a real timesaver. (Ok. I set 'em up; you can lob them outta the park. Anne?)
Some blogging buttons you may need. [via: LinkMachineGo]
Quote For Today
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truely endless. ~Mother Teresa
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