Saturday, April 19, 2003
Kill Two Birds And Get Stoned, a new book by Kinky Friedman, about the adventures of a struggling novelist, has just been released.
Running For Prez in 2004?
"Wesley Clark: As everyone here already knows, he's my favorite (daily kos speaking here) in this race. He's solid on national security, well-spoken, presidential, pro-choice, pro-gun, pro-affirmative action, anti-PATRIOT Act, and believes strongly that the government should provide for the less fortunate amongst us. But is he running?" [asks daily kos]
A website on 'Which Country Is Next'. In a liberating kinda way, I suppose they mean?
Spam We Will Never See
Penis reduction pills!
Gain weight fast!
Reconcile with your boss!
Get into debt overnight!
Sexy, mature, well-adjusted women with realistic body shapes are waiting to hear from you!
Do you suffer from perfectly adequate self-esteem!?
Prozac, Valium, Viagra! Who needs 'em? Relax, you're doing fine! [via: antipixel]
They first changed the TNN name from The Nashville Network to The National Network. And now, they've changed it again to Spike. Yes, I said, Spike. It's all racing and 'rasslin, so why don't they just rename TNN the Redneck Network (TRN)?
Quote For Today
"Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair." ~Kahlil Gibran
pink chenille robe/flannel pants/grey tee/
rubber sandals/bed head ponytail/coffee iv/
2 apple newtons, ok--3/atl paper/
liz phair/marlboro between my teeth/
how's about you?/
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