Saturday, April 12, 2003
After enduring Saddam as America's puppet and then as America's monster, the Iraqis have been promised security and democracy. They have had a Western war. They are entitled to a Western peace. That peace is not a porn magazine, a case of dried milk and Mr Chalabi in a golden palace. It needs a long-term Western guarantee of civil order, even in the teeth of fierce local and regional opposition. Rudyard Kipling called it the "savage war of peace" in The White Man's Burden. That is the burden of this victory. It must now be fought. more»
U.S. Plans to Run Iraqi Oil for A While - "Even though the country will need outside help," Dick Cheney said, "Iraqis will have to 'make decisions on how much they want to reinvest' in their oil sector." The Defense Department is considering putting in place an advisory board of former U.S. oil industry executives to help run Iraq's oil industry, the head of which is likely to be Philip Carroll, a former chief executive of Shell Oil Co., sources said. Foxes guarding the hen house? more»
Busted! This site "helped" you make barcodes for items that you purchased at Wal-Mart. Presumedly, putting cheaper priced barcodes on higher priced items. Or they called it tactical shopping options. The lawyers call is 'cease and desist'. I wonder if people actually used these bar codes at Wal-Mart. [found:]
If you'd like to register a complaint about the baseball Hall of Fame's decision to cancel Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins visit, here's the link.
April 12
Happy Birthday to David Letterman
Quote For Today
You think that good is hating what is bad. What is bad is the hating mind itself.
~Bon Kai (Buddhist monk)
Ever feel like you were someone else? Maybe a face for each part of you?
capri jeans/macrame belt/tiny white tee/
platform sandals-black/ground hazelnut coffee/
angel food cake/strawberries-whole/oj/
sounds-husband whistling/ daughter-snoring/
melanie's "lay down" on the radio/
plans-grocery shopping; atlanta bread co-lunch/
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