Monday, April 8, 2002
the princess i am
I must get this book, Blinded By The Right, by David Brock, for my husband and me. Brock was at the center of the right-wing dirty tricks operation of the Gingrich era and a true believer until he could no longer deny that the political force he was advancing was built on little more than lies, hate, and hypocrisy. In Blinded By the Right, Brock, who came out of the closet at the height of his conservative renown, tells his riveting story from the beginning, giving us the first insiders view of what Hillary Rodham Clinton called 'the vast right-wing conspiracy'. Whether dealing with the right-wing press, the richly endowed think tanks, Republican political operatives, or the Paula Jones' case, Brock names names from Clarence Thomas on down, uncovers hidden links, and demonstrates how the Republican Right's zeal for power created the poisonous political climate that culminated in George W. Bush's election. I saw him recently on the The Daily Show with Jon Stewart plugging the book.
Steve came home tonight with a box of truffles, a scented candle, and a card for the princess I am. Awwwwww, ain't that sweet. And it's not even my birthday or anything.
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