Doing the B-12 Shuffle
Thursday, January 28, 2010
I'm proud that I've been drug-free since 1991 except for the occasional blunt. Some would say that marijuana is a drug but I consider it a medicinal plant.
Normally when I need a pick-me-up I use caffeine or an energy drink but caffeine's not doing it anymore and I'm never going back to drugs or prescription pills. So what's an addict to do?
This morning at brunch with friends I got a few energy boost suggestions that I may try out.
One friend dug into her purse and handed me a small bottle of 5-Hour Energy, grape flavored. On the listed ingredients, it has B-12 - 8333%, 500 mcg. According to my daily Centrum, 6 mcg is the suggested daily amount so I don't know about this one.
Another friend swears by Gummy Bears B-12 Vitamins. She chews one in the morning and buzzes along all day. She got them at CVS so I'm going to try those as well.
What gives you a boost, mon ami?
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