Beaker Burgers
Monday, January 4, 2010
Scientists around the world are working to invent a viable way to engineer in-vitro meat – that is meat grown inside a test tube from animal muscles and tissues without using live animals in order to form a simplified version of meat. Besides being a healthier option for humans (due to the decreased amount of saturated fat), it also provides a more sustainable alternative for the environment by reducing carbon emissions produced annually from the meat industry.
As a show of support, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has offered a $1 million prize to the first team who can "produce an in-vitro chicken-meat product that has a taste and texture indistinguishable from real chicken flesh to non-meat-eaters and meat-eaters alike; and manufacture the approved product in large enough quantities to be sold commercially... at a competitive price," as noted to the article.
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