Tuesday, September 12, 2006
World Unity Sunrise Meditation - Equinox Sept 23rd. Unifying the World as One in Peace with Our Love!
The Global Sunrise Meditations are intended to create flowing moments of silent prayer for peace in the world. Every equinox and solstice all participants focus their minds, 10 minutes before the sunrise and 10 minutes after, on a world unified through unconditional love, to heal oursleves and the planet. Believe in our power!
Find an event or someone in your area through our network links. There are many events paralleling this one and you may have one locally that you can attend. For example, San Francisco's having a LoveFest. Build up to the Year of World Awakening 2012...
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality... to change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. Buckminster Fuller
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