Monday, September 25, 2006
Are people really buying into the Restless Leg Syndrome? I find it one of the most bogus campaigns I've ever witnessed.
If I was a corrupt pharmaceutical company, I'd brainstorm with my minions to find some chronic faux illness we could make millions of dollars from. Maybe I'd put up some wild illnesses on a spinning wheel and throw darts to decide on the next one. "Hey, what about 'Restless Leg Syndrome'? That should bring 'em in in droves!"
Some doctors claim the condition, also labeled *Ekbom's syndrome*, has been concocted or at least exaggerated to help sell drugs.
"I am not saying some people do not experience pain and restless legs but claims on the website that it is a widespread and serious condition are disproportionate."
If you're considering getting treatment for RLS, please research it thoroughly. If you're currently being treated for RLS, the pharma-cowboys have already sheered you and put your fluffy ass out to pasture.
*UPDATE: There seem to be two forms of Ekbom's. Ekbom's Syndrome is delusional parasitosis is a form of psychosis in which sufferers hold a delusional belief they are infested with parasites. It is usually diagnosed as a subtype of delusional disorder and was named after a Swedish neurologist, Karl Axel Ekbom, who published seminal accounts of the disease in 1937 and 1938. It is not to be confused with Wittmaack-Ekbom syndrome (restless legs syndrome). via - thanks, jh!
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