Thursday, August 18, 2005
And now cyberspace is rife with blogs from and about Asheville รข€“ a widely varying set of sites that are tough to classify, except to say that each one of them is driven by someone's passion for getting their message out. Log on for an inside look at Asheville's blog scene.
Easy Bake Coven - easybakecoven.netVery nice write-up on great group of Asheville bloggers in Asheville's alternative weekly, the Mountain Xpress, with a quick note about my site, too. It mainly features the good folks at Blog Asheville. I thought it would be rather gauche of me to participate in the meeting for this article when local paper, Citizen-Times, already did a blogging spread on me and some others in May 2003. They also chose some folks off of my blogroll to feature. Remember that, Anne and Theo?
According to the description by creator Susan Cook, EBC's content "May include art, literature, music, film, recovery, counterculture, political climate from a guitar-picking earth mother who practices sarcasm as a form of tantric sex."
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