Wednesday, August 17, 2005
"You are excrement. You can change yourself into gold", Alejandro Jodorowsky explains in his film The Holy Mountain. Because Jodorowsky the alchemist uses his work as an athanor. The initiation is made up of films (Fando & Lys, El Topo, Santa Sangre...), of strip cartoons (L’Incal, created with Moebius, La Caste des Métabarrons, created with Giménez...), of books and of the Tarot.
”...Peace can be true, we have evidence of it... The evidence - here it is - you see here we have a miracle. Look at the pleasure that this cat has in communicating with a human being. I’m not his master, I’m only a human being. It could take exactly the same pleasure with you. Do you want to see? Take the cat...You see... Stroke it... Here it is, it’s yours. Peace is yours.”
Alexandro Jodorowsky indeed dispenses the philosophy of the Tarot each Wednesday in a Parisian cafe, just to help those who suffer. The poet sows the seeds of consciousness. This interview took place a few minutes before one of these readings.
I like that he's seen petting a cat, writing poetry, and giving tarot readings. Sure helps to put a more normal face on this amazing director of very bizarre films.
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