Thursday, April 28, 2005
I know they mean well, and I bless the spirit in which they intend it, but I'm a big girl and I know how to separate the shit from the chaff. Some people may need to cut the box off entirely and it makes more sense if you're only able to view the main stream media channels and little else. But I pay $70 a month for my movies and cheesy entertainment, so I'll decide when to turn off my TV, thankyouverymuch.
On my satellite setup, I program the stations I want to watch, and delete the MSM channels out of my lineup. I realize the bullshit minority is still gonna seep through, but it quickly gets squashed and doesn't permeate the air like the MSM programs that can resonate throughout your subconscious. We've gotta start thinking for ourselves and educating ourselves. If we don't avoid the party line spewed forth from the network stations, we just may turn into a collective 'Stepford Wives' nation of slackjawed sheeple doing the ol' thorazine shuffle. do-dah, do-dah...
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