Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Tuesday Web Trail
President urges world community to put differences aside and turn attention to fighting terrorism and meeting humanitarian concerns. That's like Bush fucking "World's" girlfriend, and then later asking "World" for a loan. [more »]
Methane On Mars: Aliens or farts in a jacuzzi? [more »]
Adbusters Blackspot sneakers made from hemp. They hope to eventually reduce marketers' influence over culture. [more »]
October Surprise!
Submit Your October Surprise Prediction - Winners appear live on Air America to bask in the gratitude of a skeptical nation...and will receive a signed copy of The Book on Bush and cool Air America gear.
Michael Moore's 'No Balls, No Babies' rant to Dems: Quitcher Whining, all ye doomsayers! "My friends, it is time for a reality check." [more »]
New details about the forthcoming biopic The Wild and Wycked World of Brian Jones have been announced, which documents the guitarist's 1969 death in a mysterious drowning incident. The flick is expected to begin filming Sunday in London, although no actor has been chosen yet to portray Mick Jagger. Who could play Mick? Good question.
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Fender Stratocaster guitar's 50th anniversary show will feature Paul Rodgers, David Gilmour, Joe Walsh, Jeff Beck and others, and will benefit the Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy UK charity. [more »]
Rock legend Bob Dylan's life story is to be released in audio book form - courtesy of actor Sean Penn. [more »]
October Surprise!
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