Monday, August 23, 2004
I recently read that protesters are torn between going to Burning Man and RNC. Not me. I won't be going to either one. I'm still quite interested in both events. It just suits me better to keep it parked for now.
I used to drive, fly, or thumb my way across inevitable obstacles to any and all events that interested me. There never was any concern over money or shelter. You took along what you could carry in your pockets and stash bag. You did the best you could and left it all up to the haps. But it was also the time of 'what's mine is yours' and 'spare-change' in our pseudo-underground movement, which helped. If I had $50, I gave $45 of it away. Keeping it all to myself was crude and priggish. I even left the keys in my van with a note on how 3rd gear hung up, etc. If you need it worse than I do, then by all means. This principal only works when others around you are of the same mind. The whole commune mentality, I suppose you could call it.
What a gradual and unnoticeable change it's all been from there to here. Although a lot of those ideals are still the base of my moral fiber. Now, I no longer leave my keys in the car for just anyone to drive, extra bucks are generally not given away, and my hitchhiking days are but sweet, faded memories.
I used to drive, fly, or thumb my way across inevitable obstacles to any and all events that interested me. There never was any concern over money or shelter. You took along what you could carry in your pockets and stash bag. You did the best you could and left it all up to the haps. But it was also the time of 'what's mine is yours' and 'spare-change' in our pseudo-underground movement, which helped. If I had $50, I gave $45 of it away. Keeping it all to myself was crude and priggish. I even left the keys in my van with a note on how 3rd gear hung up, etc. If you need it worse than I do, then by all means. This principal only works when others around you are of the same mind. The whole commune mentality, I suppose you could call it.
What a gradual and unnoticeable change it's all been from there to here. Although a lot of those ideals are still the base of my moral fiber. Now, I no longer leave my keys in the car for just anyone to drive, extra bucks are generally not given away, and my hitchhiking days are but sweet, faded memories.
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