Friday, November 7, 2003
This Is How We Cut & Paste or What I Did Today When I Should Have Been More Productive
The Great Cosmic Booty Call or Harmonic Convergence?
Happy Birthday to Joni Mitchell who's celebrating her 60th birthday today. I bought 'Clouds' when it came out in 1969 and began playing Chelsea Morning and Songs To Aging Children, and That Song About The Midway on my guitar for my friends. I haven't played those songs in forever. When I pick up the guitar later, I'll gonna try Songs.... I still remember people at school asking, "Have you heard 'Clouds' yet?" Soon after, we would see her at Woodstock. Next came 'Ladies Of The Canyon'. For Free was very poignant. And the rhythm of Rainy Night House persuaded me to keep writing poetry. I just realized that now. Music memories are sacred. They hold pieces of your very soul.
MTV has given a humanitarian award to Myanmar's pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi because she "is an inspiration to us all". Indeed.
Burying Lester Bangs - we tried, but someone keeps digging him back up.
The Sex Code is yet another signature code, modeled after the Geek Code, and using elements from that, the Whore Code, and the Other Sex Code, which is much smaller than this but was there first. [via: stare}
A thing of beauty is a joy until sunrise. After that, you may find yourself in 'coyote, chew-your-arm-off mode'.
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