Wednesday, November 5, 2003
Edwards, Dean and Kerry said they had used marijuana in the past. Sharpton, retired Gen. Wesley Clark, Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut and Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio said they had not, Kucinich adding that using the drug should be decriminalized. Former Sen. Carol Moseley Braun of Illinois declined to answer. [read transcript]
And as Al Sharpeton said, (this guy speaks in terrific sound bites) any one of the candidates would fair better than George Bush. And as I watched them all onstage last night, I realized that several of them really would do well to sit at the top seat in the country.
I'm still undecided. I probably know more about John Edwards, since I'm also from North Carolina, and it wouldn't hurt my feelings if he were our Democratic nominee. He doesn't have much experience in politics and that may be a big plus.
I've tried to like Howard Dean, but can't stop thinking, "Physician, heal thyself of thy arrogance." Dennis Kucinich also is a good possibility, but two words for ya, Dennis-- "Don't Yell!" and Gephardt is somewhat appealing. John Kerry is almost reminiscent of Clinton with all his charm but went Ted Nugent on us all. And when he speaks, I want to say "Bullshit", "Bullshit". Wes Clark could better serve us all in Don Rumsfeld job, but I still want to hear more from him. Carol Mosely Braun, although quite articulate, could use a firecracker under her ass. Lieberman - too out of touch; lives in a bubble. Al Sharpeton - let's just make him ambassador to France.
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