Wednesday, August 6, 2003
Good morning to you...
::You remember how much I bitch about my sadu? (that's slow ass dial-up to the uninitiated) Since moving, my surfing speed is twice or more what it used to be. Yes, it's a good thing. I haven't had much spare time lately, and I hope to get back to my usual blog-visiting soon.
::Episcopal Gay Bishop wins approval. Another good thing.
::Edited to add: 1:41pm - As an Episcopalian, the confirmation of Gene Robinson, priest of New Hampshire, and now Bishop-elect, I'm following this news closely. Also reading any weblogs on this matter. What I've read so far is very complimentary and tactful. It's such a delicate matter when we discuss religion in real life, and online; and I'm happy to see that bloggers I've read are taking the high road. I have a more detailed post on the matter on my Susan*Jayne site.
::Much of the nation has had hellacious storms lately. The cars looked like boats floating down one of our main roads yesterday. Afternoon showers are predicted for the next 4 days. Not a good thing.
::Email Flash Mobs meeting up around the country. Dallas had one recently. Another good thing, until they begin attaching causes to them, which I think is inevitable.
::Quote For Today
In separateness lies the world's great misery; in compassion lies the world's true strength. ~Buddha
School's in. Drive carefully. School's out. Drive carefully. When do we get to be reckless out there?
::You remember how much I bitch about my sadu? (that's slow ass dial-up to the uninitiated) Since moving, my surfing speed is twice or more what it used to be. Yes, it's a good thing. I haven't had much spare time lately, and I hope to get back to my usual blog-visiting soon.
::Episcopal Gay Bishop wins approval. Another good thing.
::Edited to add: 1:41pm - As an Episcopalian, the confirmation of Gene Robinson, priest of New Hampshire, and now Bishop-elect, I'm following this news closely. Also reading any weblogs on this matter. What I've read so far is very complimentary and tactful. It's such a delicate matter when we discuss religion in real life, and online; and I'm happy to see that bloggers I've read are taking the high road. I have a more detailed post on the matter on my Susan*Jayne site.
::Much of the nation has had hellacious storms lately. The cars looked like boats floating down one of our main roads yesterday. Afternoon showers are predicted for the next 4 days. Not a good thing.
::Email Flash Mobs meeting up around the country. Dallas had one recently. Another good thing, until they begin attaching causes to them, which I think is inevitable.
::Quote For Today
In separateness lies the world's great misery; in compassion lies the world's true strength. ~Buddha
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