Thursday, August 28, 2003
Rushkoff, a New York-based journalist, goes west to Berkeley for a look inside Cyberia-the emerging countercultural terrain of computer hackers, "smart" drugs, house music, and a range of alternate "cyberpunk" lifestyles and anarchic philosophies. This largely sympathetic report from the latest frontier will undoubtedly strike many older readers as outrageous, but others (especially those with clear memories of the 60's) may find much of the rhetoric familiar, even nostalgic. In fact, many of the ingredients hark back to the Berkeley scene of nearly three decades ago: the text is full of references to acid trips, pagan rituals, and Grateful Dead concerts, and even Timothy Leary puts in an appearance at a virtual reality demonstration. Go here to read it all online. Very informative. [via (ripping off): the most excellent stare]
::Black Table's Primer on Collegiate Preparedness
A whole summer went by and now it's time to head back to the wonderful fairyland called college, where responsibility is kept to a minimum and partying is a club sport. New shoes, new haircuts, and new book bags -- why leave your penis out on all the fun? Back-to-school time not only means there is massive amounts of homework and studying to do, but also massive amounts of casual, consensual sex. So, dress your little feller up into something nice and comfortable before he goes trolling through the bushes.
100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time - According to Rolling Stone magazine. Not hard to figure out who's number one. I was so fortunate to see him once. And I'll never forget a moment of it.
::MTV VMA tonight. You can still vote for Viewer's Choice award. Nominated are: Eminem, Justin Timberlake, Beyonce, Kelly Clarkson, 50 Cent, & Good Charlotte. Christina Aguilera threatens to wear a Nun outfit. The Sun reports Courtney Love has pulled out of presenting tonight because of a disaster over hair extensions. ("Squauwk! Yeooowww! You Royally Fucked Up My Fucking Hair, You Stinking Cunt--now you must die," Courtney didn't say.)
::Bummer Chinese Fortune Cookies
::Splut Photos - Very nice.
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