Sunday, June 8, 2003
Oh, Blogger, what am I going to do with you?
The word for the day is Revolution, children. As in, we almost had a __________, or Why don't we start a __________?
A Trip Back to the Contradictions of the Stormy 60's
The Weather Underground, a movie-documentary is now playing in New York and a few select venues around the country. During the Vietnam War and the Nixon administration, a group of white-bread, upper-middle-class college students took up guns and explosives to plot the violent overthrow of the United States government. Sam Green and Bill Siegel's energetic and incendiary documentary, The Weather Underground, tracks the history of this radical political group, the Weathermen, and examines the psychology and politics which led its members to commit countless acts of terrorist activism. FBI files on the Weathermen.
Steal This Movie, a 2000 movie about Abbie Hoffman and his life as an organizer, hippie radical and his life on the run is currently playing on cable and at your neighborhood video store. He also wrote a book called, Steal This Book that got a strange reception at book stores at the time and Steal This Urine Test. My copy also got stolen. So did my Soul On Ice copy. That summer I worked the phones at a Crisis Hot Line where we also had that book and others with a note to steal and to drop off your books, as well. But I remember him as an exuberant champion of the underdog and a founder of the Free Store feeder of the poor, and 1/7 of the Chicago 7.
You can make a poster here.
He asked for it all
So I gave my life and love
Crabs were a bonus
[via: haikooties]
Quote For Today
"God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December."
~ J.M. Barrie
Can I trade this job for what's behind door #2?
The word for the day is Revolution, children. As in, we almost had a __________, or Why don't we start a __________?
A Trip Back to the Contradictions of the Stormy 60's
The Weather Underground, a movie-documentary is now playing in New York and a few select venues around the country. During the Vietnam War and the Nixon administration, a group of white-bread, upper-middle-class college students took up guns and explosives to plot the violent overthrow of the United States government. Sam Green and Bill Siegel's energetic and incendiary documentary, The Weather Underground, tracks the history of this radical political group, the Weathermen, and examines the psychology and politics which led its members to commit countless acts of terrorist activism. FBI files on the Weathermen.
You can make a poster here.
He asked for it all
So I gave my life and love
Crabs were a bonus
[via: haikooties]
Quote For Today
"God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December."
~ J.M. Barrie
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