Thursday, June 26, 2003
Nick Cave sang Bring It On on Letterman last night. I had seen him earlier Wednesday night on a 1989 film called Wings Of Desire, singing From Her To Eternity. Also watched a good older movie with Bjork, called Dancing In The Dark. Rhonda and Laurie just returned form seeing him in concert in Chicago last weekend. (edited for movie correction)
Ta-Da...I am now using the New, Improved Blogger. We'll see.....
I'm thrilled that every single one of you take time out of your busy day to visit me. I bust my ass to visit you, too. Believe it. And I'm just as busy as the next person, but if you can make the time for me, I'll certainly make the time for you. Some people wonder why they don't have many visitors to their weblog, when they hardly visit anyone else. Driving with your turn signal on through blogland totally oblivious to your fellow bloggers doesn't garner much blog love. Blogging is as fulfilling to me now with many daily visitors as it was when I started out with 1 or 2 daily visitors. (when Maggie and Shirl were the only ones visiting!) I'll never bitch about who doesn't visit; just offer gratitude for those of you who do. Not trying to bark at anyone, just a heads up for some who may be unaware.
NewsHax, a political satire site I found on J-Walk. Unbalanced. Unfair. We Report. We Decide. [via j-walk]
Fun Site du Jour: Mondrian Machine. Neat. Make your own Mondrian design.
Quote For Today
One must still have chaos in oneself to give birth to a dancing star."
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