Coming To An End....
Friday, March 18, 2011
Broken Hallelujah will not be renewing it's domain name when it becomes due in June 2011.
Before Facebook and Twitter and the others, blogs were the main way of connecting with folks around the world online. But now it's so much easier for me to use social media.
Easy Bake Coven will probably always be online. It was my first born (2001) and it's still a part of me. It began with my daughter at 14 years old and my sister still living and battling cancer. It was fueled by making new friends online as we felt our way together through the darkness of the newborn Blogosphere.
It was soon after September 11, 2001, and we were fragile. The whole world was. We yearned for safety and comfort. We learned enough to hunt and peck our way through HTML and found others who were hurting but hopeful together.
We collectively comforted one another through rumors of war and realities of war. No matter the politics. No matter the religion. We blogged. And blogged.
We healed and laughed and loved and documented every (sometimes nauseating) detail. That was the inception of Easy Bake Coven and I could no easier throw it away than cut off my arm but I digress.
Broken Hallelujah has had a decent run but it's over. xoxo
I always preferred the name easybakecoven and couldnt understand why you switched names a couple years ago... Ive always enjoyed followıng the site since 2003!
It's always intuition with me. EBC hasn't been closed since it's inception in 2001 but I wanna give it a little more love from now on out although my work has me busier than ever.
Always enjoy your input, Lima. And my other friends who pop in but you are a very special friend.
(I'll want to hear from you on EBC as your time permits)
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