The Great Speckled Bird is Going Online!
Friday, July 16, 2010
The following was an email I got regarding The Bird...
The complete run of The Bird, Atlanta's underground paper, is being digitized at GSU and fed into a database for scholarly searches. The Bird thus becomes a major research tool on the era. Thus no one else need spend the hours I did searching old Birds for data and pics. Hooray!
Unfortunately no one can find Vol 5 #47. Please check if you might have this issue squirreled away that you would lend for digitizing.
Contact Patrick Edmondson
The Great Speckled Bird was an underground newspaper in the Vietnam War era. The FBI had more interest in it than the Klan or the local mob. One of the Bird's claims to fame, aside from getting repeatedly fire-bombed, was twice being quoted by Walter Chronkite on the CBS Evening News. Many of the photos on this web site were first published in the Bird.
Great Speckled Memories | Website
I cannot WAIT to be able to read these old magazines again. Anyone who lived anywhere near the southeast in the late 60s, early 70s, has either bought the Bird or sold the Bird and if you did, you probably met me someplace on the Strip back then. My hair looked wilder than Robert Plant's and I was usually 10 paces behind my boyfriend who was ripping off stores and buying dope for us. Ah, but that could have been any old couple on the Strip at that time. My old VW van (a 1959 with a '65 motor in it) made the trip most weekends from college in Tennessee down to ATL.
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