They Have No Shame
Monday, May 24, 2010
Article: Halt Drilling? Forget it, its time to waive environmental regulations, so that more drilling can continue in the Gulf!
NOAA Chief Dismisses Loop Current Threat as "very little tarballs."
Article + Video:
You're doing a heckuva job Lubchenco.
To add to the list of insult to Injury BP just had another oil spill in Alaska.
"I want my life back." - President of BP over disaster
In other news experts now propose plugging the Gulf of Mexico Oil Leak with BP Execs.
The Saga Continues: BP Preventing Fisherman from Wearing Respirators
Survivors claim that they were kept in seclusion and coerced into signing waivers.
In addition the reason the US has been in conflict with Iran for all these years is for no other reason than the former actions of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, which renamed itself British Petroleum after being kicked out of Iran by the democratically elected Mohommad Mossadegh. The US wanted in on the oil game so they removed Mossadegh through a coup and placed the Shah in power. The Iranian Revolution came as a response to this from former Mossadegh supporters using the mosque system and impoverished farmers to achieve revolution. An excellent book on the subject.
If it was possible... It gets worse, much worse. The oil could be leaking for years... I was always skeptical about the 2012 stuff, but now we might be drowning in oil... video
+ The disturbing info they aren't talking about.
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