This Party Will Self Destruct in Five...Four...Three...*
Thursday, March 25, 2010
After the last decade, some of the conservatives now feel entitled and want to always have it their way. They've been stirring their narrow-minded hate pot since the election of November 2008. Those redneckersons are literally gunning for us like we were all pregnant brides at the altar.
How can you NOT think of the similarities between these reactions and the fight for civil rights? Just because they aren't wearing a sheet doesn't mean there isn't bigotry and evil lurking inside. I'm way more mellow than I used to be and I really try to understand everybody involved but I can't stop thinking the about small mindedness, racist people who get so angry about change that they want to hurt you or worse and seem so closed off to any reasonable
* Steven Weber's Terror, Inc., post on HuffPo
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