And Damnit, He's Good Enough
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Democrat and funny man, Al Franken, finally given the official win on the Minnesota State Senate race.
Yay! Yay! (accent on the 2nd "yay", as my little grandson says)
Democrat and funny man, Al Franken, finally given the official win on the Minnesota State Senate race.
Yay! Yay! (accent on the 2nd "yay", as my little grandson says)
from the page:
Chocolate vulvas, you say? Looks like a vagina to me! Actually, the vulva is the external female genitals, the vagina is all internal. Anyway, the point is that there is an awful lot of penis-shaped chocolate out there, and we here at Lagusta’s Luscious feel it is our duty to do something to correct that imbalance.
This chocolate is really, really good, too—filled with sweetly peppery pink peppercorns and Hawaiian alaea sea salt that is naturally reddish pink because of the intense amount of healthy minerals in the volcanic Hawaiian soil.
There's a bit of a marketing stretch in my opinion to connect the "Vandanas" to Vandana Shiva but, take that, all you chocolate penises of the world. Let's hear it for the girls!
(With apologies to BD, Leopard Skin Pill-Box hat tip goes out to Anne of Ample Sanity who always has the goods.)
The Davis quintuplets were born Tuesday in Johnson City Medical Center. (Photos by Ron Campbell/Johnson City Press and James Watson/MSHA)
It's a boy, a boy, a boy, a girl and a girl – local mother delivers quints
from the website: Statics show naturally conceived quintuplets come only once in every 65 million births. And it happened without a hitch Tuesday night at Johnson City Medical Center (Tennessee) with the delivery of five healthy babies to Carter County mother Virgie Davis and her husband.
Natural quintuplets? No fertility drugs? And she had her tubes tied after her two children (ages 8 and 10) were born? Makes you think, doesn't it?
Yikes! Is she actually holding a bird's head? Nice illos and sculptures here at Kate Street's.
Seriously? I mean, seriously? I can understand that there are all kinds of people in the world that want to fix up their pets in some particular way. But for other people to give them awards for their "artistic grooming" just boggles the fucking mind.
I like how the woman pulls George Washington, the Father Of Our Country, down onto her lap. "There's a good little president." Titus Kaphar, Artist | via Right Some Good
I'm not a big pole dancing fan but I am a dance fan after having had 10+ years (ballet, tap, jazz, acrobatics) of it growing up and I appreciate a good dancer.
Felix Cane is one extraordinary dancer. She's very strong and sensual and I find it hard to take my eyes off of her. Her very last pole trick will be where she defies gravity as she twirls around and around.
Flipping around on the telly last night I saw her with the group Zumanity, a sensual act from Cirque du Soleil. Further examination told me that she was the World Champion Pole Dancer but it's her dancer's skills that probably nailed it for her.
The above video is from her appearance on Conan last night and her YouTube site can be seen at this YouTube link.
Did you ever have a transistor radio? They ran on batteries and radios were the only way to listen to music besides playing the actual 45 record or album on your stereo.
Nights were best for picking up the larger AM radio stations. I could get Fort Wayne, Indiana's WOWO station and they played all the new stuff. And WLS in Chicago was also good. I was thrilled and listened way up into the night to all the new music.
In the early 60s there was Aretha Franklin, The Supremes, Herman's Hermits, Dave Clark Five, The Beatles, Beach Boys, Peter and Gordon, Everly Brothers, James Brown. Good times!
Retrolife is a fun website of the good old days.
Even if a ballot is silenced, the voice behind it cannot be.The people behind the brunt of Iran Twitter information. link Read more...
Britt Govea is building a music empire by doing his own thing, in Big Sur and beyond.
"BRITT CREATES A SETTING WHERE GOING TO THE SHOW IS LIKE GOING ON A PSYCHEDELIC TRIP."Govea has been compared to great concert promoters of the past likethe late Bill Graham without the cutthroat business instincts. Proof positive: Rolling Stone magazine recently named him and Folk Yeah "Hot Promoter" in their annual "Hot List" issue under the headline: "Super Furry Entrepreneurs."
What kind of no-good sorry bastard thinks that killing someone is not enough pain to inflict on one family?
"Damn, I've only just killed her. What else can I do to wig her family the fuck out?"The family of a 19-year-old Iranian killed during clashes between security forces and protesters says officials demanded a $3,000 "bullet fee" before they could claim his body at the morgue, The Wall Street Journal reports.
Justin Giunta's Subversive Jewelry won a prestigious 2009 CFDA award recently. His wondrously designed pieces are random genius.
Some of it is a little pricey but those creative ones could take a queue from his designs and pull out your old pearls, broken chains and loose stones and see what you can come up with.
Eccentric: Johnny Depp is unrecognisable as the pasty, ginger Mad Hatter
link | Big PhotoThe chatty flowers in Alice in Wonderland take their cue from the talkative trees in The Wizard of Oz.
link | Big Photo
We the undersigned, as Freemen & Freewomen, do not recognize the authority of The World Health Organization (WHO) to mandate general forced vaccinations. Our bodies are sovereign territory and subject to our exclusive self-determination. Any attempted violation of this trust must be construed as a breach of said basic right. We are thus holding our elected Governments accountable in this defense with an issuance of notice: a preemptive Class Action Lawsuit to be served in the event our inalienable rights to choose are forsaken.
Civilization by Marco Brambilla from CRUSH on Vimeo.
The current AnOtherMan magazine has many good articles in it. One on Patrick Wolf, Thurston Moore, John Galliano, Werner Herzog, Jason Spaceman, and the Style Icon section with Cerith Wyn Evans on Aleister Crowley, Thomas Engle Hart on Brian Jones, Bobby Gillespie on Johnny Thunders, and Veronique Branquinho on Jacques Dutronc.
Read more...To answer the question, "why?" is because it was a different world back then; and because I was very naivè adventurous.
The first time I hitchhiked I was 18 and ended up traveling all over the southeast for a couple of years. Once my friend and I (we both had cars) were thumbing and decided to "spare change" everyone we got a ride with. Bright idea so we thought except when we got to our destination we were still broke. My friend was keeping the money in her jeans. The ones that had a hole in the back pocket. We got to Nashville late at night. We didn't know one single person, we were broke, cold and hungry and we didn't see any freaks hanging out at 3am to help a fellow traveller out so we ended up going to jail for loitering.
Some areas would arrest you for hitchhiking, but you usually didn't wait long at all so the cops never got a chance to see you. I always thumbed with somebody and never went alone. Phil B and I hitchhiked to the Atlanta Pop festival at Piedmont Park and so were blasted by the time we got there that we missed a lot of the good stuff. If you were traveling in the early 70s,especially to a concert, those highways were full of fellow "travelers" who were stocked with a good supply of weed and music.
I picked up most every roadside hippie (i always hated that word) I saw back then. You could I still mull it over for a nanosecond when I see someone thumbing and my husband still picks up people in distress.
After all he is the original Zig Zag man.
"I am not a citizen of the world. I think the entire concept is intellectual nonsense and stunningly dangerous!"
Rachel Hospodar
Rachel designs and creates for all the right reasons. Not like the plastic chotchkes that will someday add to the planet's overextended waistline, but creating as a wise steward of this planet.
Her philosophy:
Stop throwing so much stuff out.
Use natural materials where possible.
The best way to recycle is to reuse.
Use less.
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