Monday, September 29, 2008
Pass a New Deal for Main Street
They said it couldn't be done, but it HAS been done. At 2:05 pm today, the House voted down the taxpayer bailout of Wall Street. The stock market predictably dropped on the news that investment companies won't be getting our money, and the pundits will be getting all exercised about it. Here's what you should do about that:
Take a deep breath.
And then send a message to Congress to start focusing on the real fixes we need.
Wall Street has actually convinced a lot of us that what's good for the Dow Jones Average is good for us real people. But for eight years while bankers raked in billions, ordinary Americans have seen their real wages drop, jobs sent overseas, health insurance rates skyrocket, and now thousands are losing their homes.
We need our government to actively work for US in fixing this mess, so let's tell Congress it's time to start over and pass a New Deal for Main Street.
Click Here
They said it couldn't be done, but it HAS been done. At 2:05 pm today, the House voted down the taxpayer bailout of Wall Street. The stock market predictably dropped on the news that investment companies won't be getting our money, and the pundits will be getting all exercised about it. Here's what you should do about that:
Take a deep breath.
And then send a message to Congress to start focusing on the real fixes we need.
Wall Street has actually convinced a lot of us that what's good for the Dow Jones Average is good for us real people. But for eight years while bankers raked in billions, ordinary Americans have seen their real wages drop, jobs sent overseas, health insurance rates skyrocket, and now thousands are losing their homes.
We need our government to actively work for US in fixing this mess, so let's tell Congress it's time to start over and pass a New Deal for Main Street.
Click Here
nice post
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