End Mountaintop Removal
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
End Mountaintop Removal
Pin this badge on your site. I've talked about this before but it bears (?) repeating. Mountaintop Removal is destroying the mountains in Appalachia. (That's App-a-latch-ah, not App-a-lay-cha) Anyway, I know it's obscene what they're doing to our mountains but it doesn't really effect me in Asheville, NC. WRONG. Put in your zip code above and see how the coal they're ripping out of those mountains where families have lived for generations DOES effect you. For instance, putting in my zip of 28804 tells me: "Your electricity provider, Progress Energy Carolinas, uses coal from mountaintop removal mines."It then gives me the particulars on a map. If you use electricity in Asheville as I do, you're connected to the grid that perpetuates the raping of the mountains for coal and cash. Visit the site and see what you can do to help stop it. link |
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