Huckabee Jokes About Obama
Saturday, May 17, 2008
It's beyond offensive that these vulgar slights roll off his tongue so effortlessly.
It's usually not so 'in your face' from a skilled politician. Is this his way of trying to be likable and funny to the other squares?
"During a speech before the National Rifle Association convention Friday afternoon in Louisville, Kentucky, former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee — who has endorsed presumptive GOP nominee John McCain — joked that an unexpected offstage noise was Democrat Barack Obama looking to avoid a gunman," CNN Associate Political Editor Rebecca Sinderbrand reports at the cable network's Political Ticker.via | video
"That was Barack Obama, he just tripped off a chair, he's getting ready to speak," said the former Arkansas governor, to audience laughter. "Somebody aimed a gun at him and he dove for the floor."
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