Thursday, January 17, 2008
Underreported slave labor that shames America.
Calling all farmworker allies for a special brand-busting action vs. Burger King!
You might have seen or heard of BK's new "whopper freakout" ad campaign... but now it's time to turn the tables and show that the only thing to "freakout" about at Burger King is the human rights crisis in Florida's tomato fields. link
Calling all farmworker allies for a special brand-busting action vs. Burger King!
You might have seen or heard of BK's new "whopper freakout" ad campaign... but now it's time to turn the tables and show that the only thing to "freakout" about at Burger King is the human rights crisis in Florida's tomato fields. link
"The ruthless exploitation of farm workers is a national disgrace,"Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) met with farm workers in Florida on Thursday and Friday to support their campaign to persuade Burger King to join other fast-food chains that have raised the pay for tomato pickers by paying a penny a pound more for the product. link
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