Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Revelation is showing at the Fuse Gallery from July 21 through August 11, 2007 in New York. It is curated by Erik Foss and features various artists' paintings; some of which can be seen online.
Rob Brezney's Free Will Astrology is a weekly must-read on our astrology that many of us are familiar with, but another good read is his book on Pronoia, "PRONOIA IS THE ANTIDOTE FOR PARANOIA: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings". It is a blessing to have Rob Brezney to read. His website if full of his love and light and beliefs.
T R A N S F O R M U S was this past weekend (Deerfield's near Asheville, NC) and everyone is still de-burning. I'd been waiting on more pictures before posting. Here's one of the burning bamboozler. Photo | Tribe.net. (So where are Ashevillians going when Bele Chere comes rolling into town this weekend? Or will you be going to the party?)
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Click to see Birth Of A New Anti-Christ by Chet Zar. Visit Supertouch for explicit photos of the event on opening night. *Some are NSFW.
GET MORTIFIED - Where else can you hear grown men and women confront their past with firsthand tales of their... first kiss, first puff, worst prom, fights with mom, life at bible camp, worst hand job, best mall job, and reasons they deserved to marry Bon Jovi?
"Haunted Pussy ...is soooo the right name for this band." Yeah? Anybody see cobwebs? via
come sit by me. i'll put on a pot of bourbon.
come sit by me. i'll put on a pot of bourbon.
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