Dr. Sketchy
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
"Dr. Sketchy's Official Rainy Day Colouring Book" is one part DIY handbook, one part activity book on acid, and one part history of the Sketch Revolution. To sweeten the broth, we've added dozens of photos, paper dolls, colouring book pages and puppets of Amber Ray, Lolita Haze, Little Brooklyn, Audra Gwarskitty,and all your other favorite Dr. Sketchy's models.
"Dr Sketchy's has gone from New York treasure to international phenomenon in a handful of months: a little piece of imaginary Twenties Paris where anyone who can hold a pencil may sketch beautiful burlesque models while sinking booze or sipping coffee. It's a wonderful thing: and only the Brooklyn Renaissance Woman that is Molly Crabapple could tell you about it this well."
- Warren Ellis. Author of Transmetropolitan
Molly Crabapple, founder
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