Monday, December 4, 2006
Sign up for weekly Peace History Newsletter
December 4, 1969
President Richard Nixon, Vice-President Spiro T. Agnew, and 40 U.S. governors embarked on a fact-finding mission to discover the causes of the generation gap. They viewed films of "simulated acid trips" and listened to hours of "anti-establishment rock music."
December 4, 1968
264 were arrested at a military induction center in New York City during War Resisters League civil disobedience action.
December 4, 1916
Five members of a woman's suffragist group unrolled a banner from the visitor's gallery during President Wilson's annual message (state of the union) to Congress, asking, "Mr. President, What will you do for woman suffrage?" There was no mention of the issue in his speech.
December 4, 1833
The American Anti-Slavery Society was formed by Arthur Tappan in Philadelphia. He and his brother Lewis were active abolitionists throughout their lives, including providing legal defense for the Africans who mutinied on the slave ship Amistad.
December 4, 1970
Cesar Chavez was sentenced to 20 days in jail for refusing to call off United Farm Workers? consumer boycott of lettuce.
December 4, 1980
United Nations agreed to establish the University of Peace and a short wave radio station, Radio Peace International, in Costa Rica.
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